Meet Mona, one of our talented UX Designers who has been here at Auxo for over two and a half years. Mona has been one of the integral people behind the design of Auxo Workshop, ensuring it looks and feels intuitive and easy to use. At the beginning of a typical week, Mona usually spends her time laying out her plan for what needs to be done, followed by research and working on the latest designs for new features and capabilities for Auxo Workshop. Finding the best solutions for the customer and ensuring the experience feels natural and seamless is Mona’s key priority in everything she designs.
Her biggest project at Auxo has been helping create Auxo Workshop, something she is very proud of. When we asked her what her favourite part of working on the new workshop software was she told us she simply couldn’t pick because she “likes all the features, like they are my kids.” She did however mention that smart template and purchase orders were the more “challenging children” and she was very proud of where they are today.

Outside of work Mona loves to spend time with family, and loves travelling. Most recently, she has been to Japan and Queenstown with her family and loved how beautiful and scenic both places were. She’s also a keen piano player and often spends her spare time playing. When we asked Mona what her favourite car would be, she said a Lamborghini. Not the most practical car, but you can’t be sad in a Lamborghini!